1、个人简介 马瑞,博士,山西大同人,讲师。2022年6月毕业于西北工业大学材料学院,师从郭喜平教授。2022年9月入职c7官网登录入口,主要从事难熔合金的合金化研究及金属材料的分子动力学研究。现为中北大学高性能铝/镁合金材料开发及应用省部共建协同创新中心、山西省有色金属液态成型工程技术研究中心成员。主持山西省自然基金青年项目1项,参与太原市揭榜挂帅项目1项,发表SCI学术论文6篇 2、教育和工作经历 2016.9-2022.6 西北工业大学 材料学 博士 2022.9-至今 中北大学 金属材料工程 讲师 3、研究方向 1. 难溶合金的制备、组织表征、性能调控 2. 金属材料的分子动力学模拟 4、科研项目 主持山西省自然基金青年项目1项 参与太原市揭榜挂帅项目1项 5、学术成果 Ma Rui, Guo Xiping. The effects of Mo, V and Zr addition on the phase selection, microstructure and mechanical properties of arc melted and heat treated multi-elemental Nb-Si based alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A. (SCI 1区, Top, IF 10.9) Ma Rui, Guo Xiping. Composite alloying effect of V and Zr on the microstructures and properties of multi-elemental Nb-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A. Vol. 813 141175, 2021 (SCI 1区, Top, IF 6.4) Ma Rui, Guo Xiping. Effects of V addition on the microstructure and properties of multi-elemental Nb-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 845 156254, 2020. (SCI 2区, Top, IF 6.2) Ma Rui, Guo Xiping. Effects of Mo and Zr composite additions on the microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of multi-elemental Nb-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 870 159437, 2021. (SCI 2区, Top, IF 6.2) Ma Rui, Guo Xiping. Influence of Molybdenum contents on the microstructure, mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of multi-elemental Nb-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys. Intermetallics, Vol. 129 107053, 2021. (SCI 2区, IF 4.4) Shi Zhiming, Ma Rui, Zhang Xiyu, Wang Lina, Wang Xiaohuan. Effects of pre-annealing atmosphere on microstructure and photocatalytic activities of Fe-doped titania nano-tubes. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering Vol. 46(11) 3244-3252, 2017 (SCI 4区, IF 0.49)