1、教育和工作经历 2021.09-至今,中北大学,c7(中国),讲师; 2016.09-2021.06,中北大学,c7(中国),硕博连读; 2011.09-2015.06,中北大学,c7(中国),本科。 2、教学工作 主讲本科生《高分子材料填充改性》、《橡胶加工新技术》、《特种橡胶及应用》等课程。 3、研究方向 [1] 高导热低生热轮胎用橡胶新材料新技术的研究与开发; [2] 低滚阻高耐磨绿色轮胎的制备及应用研究; [3] 橡胶纳米复合材料的界面结构及生热机理研究。 4、科研项目 [1] 主持山西省自然科学基金1项; [2] 主持山西省研究生教改项目1项; [3] 主持国防科技工业局项目,×××油封考核评价,2023,,结题。 [4] 作为第二参与人参研山西省绿色轮胎重大专项,2022,结题。 [5] 作为骨干成员参研军品项目,×××负重轮×××橡胶的研制,2024,在研。 5、科研成果 (1)学术论文 [1] Shuaishuai Cheng, Xiaoyuan Duan, Zhiyi Zhang, et al. Preparation of a natural rubber with high thermal conductivity, low heat generation and strong interfacial interaction by using NS-modified graphene oxide[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(5): 4034-4050. [2] Shuaishuai Cheng, Xiaoyuan Duan, Xiaoqing Liu, et al. Achieving Significant Thermal Conductivity Improvement via Constructing Vertically Arranged and Covalently Bonded Silicon Carbide Nanowires/Natural Rubber Composites[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 7127-7141. [3] Shuaishuai Cheng, Xiaoyuan Duan, Yiwen Cui, et al. Facile strategy for the preparation of green graphene rubber with enhanced interfacial interaction and thermal management capability[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022, e52882. [4] Xiaoyuan Duan, Shuaishuai Cheng*, Rongyao Tao, et al. Synergistically enhance the thermal control ability and mechanical properties of natural rubber for tires through a graphene/silica with a dot-face structure[J]. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 2022, 1-13. [5] Xiaoyuan Duan, Shuaishuai Cheng*, Zhiwei Li, et al. Flexible and environmentally friendly graphene natural rubber composites with high thermal conductivity for thermal management[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2022, 107223. [6] Xiaoyuan Duan et al., Shuaishuai Cheng*. Improved mechanical, thermal conductivity and low heat build-up properties of natural rubber composites with nano-sulfur modified graphene oxide/silicon carbide[J]. Ceramics International, 2022, 22094-22104. [7] Haoyu Duan et al., Shuaishuai Cheng*. Synergistically improving mechanical properties and lowering build-up heat in natural rubber tires through nano-zinc oxide on graphene oxide and strong cross-linked interfaces derived from thiol-ene click reaction[J]. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 20247 (2024) 7. (2)授权专利 [1] 刘亚青,程帅帅,段晓圆,张志毅,赵贵哲. 轮胎用高导热低生热力学性能优异的石墨烯-二氧化硅改性天然橡胶复合材料的制备方法[P]. 中国, ZL202110635078.0,2022-05-17. [2] 刘亚青,张志毅,程帅帅,赵贵哲. 坦克装甲车辆负重轮实心轮胎用高导热低生热石墨烯制备轮胎的方法[P]. 中国, ZL 202118001572.2,2024-04-26. [3] 赵贵哲, 段晓圆, 刘亚青, 程帅帅. 化学原位沉积工艺制备硫化剂改性石墨烯及其可控交联天然橡胶复合材料[P]. 中国, ZL202210075239.X,2023-09-22. [4] 赵贵哲, 段晓圆, 刘亚青, 程帅帅, 贺杰, 李志伟. 水相协同聚沉工艺制备石墨烯母胶及长寿命重型车辆负重轮轮胎的成型方法[P]. 中国, ZL202210075240.2,2024-04-05.