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薛勇,教授,博士生导师,2012年6月获北京航空航天大学博士学位。塑性工程学会青年工作委员会委员、中国兵工学会精密成形工程专业委员会委员、《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》青年编委、《精密成型工程》通讯编委、国家自然科学基金通讯评委。中北大学国防科技工业复杂构件挤压成形技术创新中心副主任。










        授权国家发明专利40项,获省部级奖5项,以第一/通讯作者在”Journal of Magnesium and Alloys””Materials Science and Engineering: A””Journal of Alloys and Compounds”等国内外学术期刊上发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇。

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:往复镦挤大高径比稀土镁合金铸棒的微观组织演化规律与调控方法研究,58万,项目负责人,2021-2024

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:钛合金复杂构件粉末体多向加载成形致密与组织协调研究,62万,项目负责人,2017-2020

3. 国防基础科研:xx壳体挤压xx,110万,课题负责人,2022-2023

4. 国防创新特区项目子题:xx筒形件/管材旋转挤压xx,120万,课题负责人,2019-2022

5. 山西省关键核心技术和共性技术研发攻关子题:镁/铝合金构件铸锻工艺,148万,课题负责人,2020-2023

6. 国防973项目专题:xx成形力学机制及精度控制,220万,课题负责人,2015-2018

7. 兵器创新基金:xx铝合金xx超音速火焰喷涂xx,30万,项目负责人,2018-2019

8. 山西省自然科学基金:镁合金热塑性加工过程成形损伤与开裂研究,8万,项目负责人,2013-2015

9. 山西省自然科学基金:高性能镁合金汽车零部件精密成形与强化基础理论研究,5万,项目负责人,2007-2009

10. 企业横向合作项目:xx粉末动盘与定盘精密挤压成形技术,35万,项目负责人,2012-2013

11. 企业横向合作项目:xx箱体挤压成形xx,150万,项目负责人,2021-2023


[1] J.Zheng, L.Liu, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, ZM.Yan,Y.Xue*, Multi-pass rolling-extrusion of large-scale thin-walled square tube with longitudinal inner ribs, InternationalJournal ofAdvancedManufacturingTechnology, 124, (2023) 2335–2349 (中科院三区).

[2] C.Liu, JS.Ji, J.Zheng, Q.Wang, ZM.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of cup-shaped specimens prepared by rotary backward extrusion, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 23, (2023) 391–402 (中科院一区).

[3] ZX.Wang, J.Zheng,Y.Xue*, Abnormal texture formation and mechanical anisotropy of pre-aging extruded Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy with large-scale,Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, 20,(2022)2771-2783 (中科院一区).

[4] J.Zheng, L.Liu, WE.Liu,YW.Huang, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, ZM.Yan,Y.Xue*,Effect of heterogeneous microstructure on the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of rotating backward extruded ZK61 alloy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds926 (2022) (中科院二区).

[5] J.Zheng, Z.Chen, ZM.Yan, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang,Y.Xue*, Preparation of ultra-high strength Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy by pre-ageing treatment prior to extrusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 894 (2022) 162490 (中科院二区).

[6] J.Zheng, ZM.Yan, JS.Ji, YS.Shi, H.Zhang, ZM.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of Mg-9.5 Gd-4Y-2.2 Zn-0.5 Zr alloy, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10(4) (2022) 1124–1132 (中科院一区).

[7] ZM.Yan, JX.Zhu, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang,Y.Xue*, The microstructural, textural, and mechanical effects of high-pressure torsion processing on Mg alloys: A review, Frontiers in Materials, 9(2022) 964992 (中科院三区).

[8] ZX.Wang, LC.Jia, J.Zheng, ZM.Zhang, JM.Yu, X.Zhao,Y.Xue*, Effect of cooling rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of solution-treated Mg-9Gd-4Y-2Zn-0.5Zr alloy, Materials and Technology, 56(2) (2022) 201–208 (中科院四区).

[9] ZK.Peng, LC.Jia, GS.Zhang, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, J.Xu,Y.Xue*, Effect of upsetting-extrusion-upsetting on the recrystallization of an Mg-9Gd-4Y-2Zn-0.5Zralloy, Materials and Technology, 56(4) (2022) 351–358 (中科院四区).

[10] YJF.Nie, J.Zheng, R.Han, LC.Jia, ZM.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Hotdeformationbehaviour andconstitutiveequation of Mg-9Gd-4Y-2Zn-0.5Zralloy, Materials, 15(5)(2022) 1779 (中科院三区).

[11] C.Liu, L.Liu, J.Zheng, ZM.Yan, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, XB.Li,Y.Xue*, Effect ofannealingbeforeaging onmicrostructure andmechanicalproperties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zralloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2022) 1–10 (中科院四区).

[12] JS.Ji, J.Zheng, LC.Jia, Y.Zhang, YF.Jia, YS.Shi, H.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Low-cycle fatigue behaviour of Mg-9Gd-4Y-2Zn-0.5 Zr alloys with different structures, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, (2022) (中科院一区).

[13] R.Han, J.Zheng, ZM.Yan, LC.Jia, JJ.Jia, L.Liu, ZM.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Effect of deformation parameters on recrystallization behavior and long-period stacking-ordered phase of Mg-9Gd-4Y-2Zn-0.5Zr alloy, Materials, 15(5) (2022) 1822 (中科院三区).

[14] HJ.Liu, Q.Wang, JS.Zhang, KH.Xu,Y.Xue*, Effect of multi-pass deformation on hot flow behavior and microstructure evolution mechanism of Ti-6A1-4Valloy fabricated by hot isostatic pressing, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 17 (2022) 2229–2248 (中科院一区).

[15] XD.Zhou, HJ.Liu, JS.Zhang, JS.Ji, WS.Zhao, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang,Y.Xue*, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and performance of high-velocity air-fuel sprayed WC-10Co4Cr coatings, Materials and Technology, 55(6) (2021) 885–894 (中科院四区).

[16] J.Zheng, Z.Chen, ZM.Yan, ZM.Zhang,Y.Xue*, An alternating ageing-annealing process for enhancing strength and ductility of a Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 828(2021) 142103 (中科院一区).

[17] ZM.Yan, XB.Li, J.Zheng, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, KH.Xu, HZ.Fan, GS.Zhang, JX.Zhu,Y.Xue*, Microstructure evolution, texture and mechanical properties of a Mg–Gd–Y–Zn–Zr alloy fabricated by cyclic expansion extrusion with an asymmetrical extrusion cavity: The influence of passes and processing route, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 9(3) (2021) 964–982 (中科院一区).

[18] JS.Ji, J.Zheng, YS.Shi, H.Zhang, ZM.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Reinforcing effects of cyclic expansion extrusion with an asymmetrical extrusion cavity (CEE-AEC) on pure magnesium, Materials Research Express, 8(5) (2021) 056502 (中科院四区).

[19] R.Han, LC.Jia, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, JM.Yu, J.Xu,Y.Xue*, Effect of annealing temperature and time on recrystallization behavior of Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy, Materials Research Express, 8(12) (2021) 126503 (中科院四区).

[20] JS.Zhang, HJ.Liu, J.Zheng, JS.Ji, YS.Shi, LC.Jia, ZM.Yan, BB.Dong,Y.Xue*, Microstructure characterization of hot isostatic pressed Ti–6Al–4V alloy under uniaxial compression and post heat treatment, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 15 (2021) 7070–7084 (中科院一区).

[21] JS.Zhang, HJ.Liu, KH.Xu, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang,Y.Xue*, Effect of multi-pass deformation on microstructure and flow behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated through hot isostatic pressing, Materials Research Express, 8(1) (2021) 016519 (中科院四区).

[22] Y.Xue*, JS.Zhang, HJ.Liu, ZM.Yan, HY.Zhao, J.Xu, YQ.Yang, Q.Wang, ZM.Zhang,Multi-passhotdeformationbehavior andmicrostructureevolution ofsparkplasma-sintered Ti-6Al-4Valloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30(2021) 7998–8013 (中科院四区).

[23] HJ.Liu, ZM.Zhang, KH.Xu, JS.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Q.Wang,Evolution of the a phase and microhardness for hot isostatic pressed Ti-6Al-4V alloy during multi-pass deformation, Materials Characterization, 178 (2021) 1–139 (中科院一区).

[24] HJ.Liu, ZM.Zhang, KH.Xu, JS.Zhang,Y.Xue*, Q.Wang,Hot-deformation behavior of hot isostatic pressed Ti-6Al-4V alloy during hot compression, Materiali in Tehnologije, 55 (2021) 83–94 (中科院四区).

[25] J.Zheng, ZM.Yan, Q.Wang, ZM.Zhag,Y.Xue*, Microstructure andtextureevolution of AZ31alloyprepared bycyclicexpansionextrusion withasymmetricalextrusioncavity atdifferenttemperatures,Materials 13(17) (2020)3757 (中科院三区).

[26] ZM. Zhang, HJ. Liu, LY. Ren, JP. Yan, Q. Wang,Y. Xue*, Effect ofheattreatment onmicrostructure ofhotisostaticpressed TC4alloy anditsmulti-passdeformation, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 49(4) (2020) 1372-1378 (中科院四区).

[27] ZM.Yan,J.Zheng, JX.Zhu, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang,Y.Xue*, Highductility with ahomogeneousmicrostructure of a Mg-Al-Znalloyprepared bycyclicexpansionextrusion with anasymmetricalextrusioncavity, Metals 10(8) (2020) (中科院三区).

[28] ZM.Yan, ZM.Zhang, XB. Li, J.Xu, Q.Wang, GS. Zhang, J.Zheng, HZ. Fan, KH. Xu, JH.Zhu,Y.Xue*, A novel severe plastic deformation method and its effect on microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 822 (2020) (中科院二区).

[29] JP. Yan,Y. Xue*, ZM.Zhang, YJ.Wu, X. Zhao, Effect of multi-pass deformation on microstructure evolution of spark plasma sintered TC4 titanium alloy, High Temperature Materials and Processes 39 (2020) 328-339(中科院四区).

[30] YJ. Wu, HJ. Liu, J. Xu, ZM. Zhang,Y. Xue*,Constitutive equations and processing map for hot deformation of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy prepared with spark-plasma sintering, Mater. Tehnol. 54(1) (2020) 25-32(中科院四区).

[31] HZ.Fan, ZM.Yan, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, J.Xu,Y.Xue*, Effects of cyclic expansion-extrusion with an asymmetrical extrusion cavity (CEE_AEC) on ductility of Mg-13Gd-4Y-2Zn-0.5Zr alloys, Mater. Tehnol. 54(4) (2020) 495-501(中科院四区).

[32] J.Zheng, ZM.Yan, JM.Yu, ZM.Zhang, HZ.Fan, KH.Xu,Y. Xue*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zn-Zr alloy bycyclicexpansion-extrusion with an asymmetrical extrusion cavity (CEE-AEC), Materials Research Express 6(10) (2019)(中科院四区).

[33] ZM. Zhang, LY. Ren,Y. Xue*, YJ.Wu, Q.Wang, J.Xu, HF.Zhang, Microstructure ofhotisostaticallypressed Ti-6Al-4Valloy afterhotdeformation, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 48(3) (2019) 820-826(中科院四区).

[34] Y.Xue*, SS.Chen, ZM.Zhang, Q.Wang, JP.Yan, Hot workability and microstructure evolution of Al-0.2Sc-0.04Zr alloy,Journalof Materials Science 54(10) (2019) 7908-7921(中科院三区).

[35] Y.Xue*, SS.Chen, HJ.Liu, ZM.Zhang, LY.Ren, B.Bai, Effect ofcyclicexpansion-extrusionprocess onmicrostructure,deformationanddynamicrecrystallizationmechanisms, andtextureevolution of AZ80magnesiumalloy, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2019 (2019)(中科院四区).

[36] Y.Xue*, B.Bai, SS.Chen, HJ.Li, ZM.Zhang, BW.Yang, Study on processing and structure property of Al-Cu-Mg-Zn alloy cup-shapedpart produced by radial-backward extrusion, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95(1-4) (2018) 687-696(中科院三区).


1. 薛勇;张治民;王强; 郑杰;于建民;闫钊鸣;任贤魏;徐健;张慧芳. 一种高强韧稀土镁合金及其处理方法,专利号:ZL202110536044.6.

2. 薛勇;郑杰; 张治民; 王强; 徐健; 李国俊; 方敏; 李旭斌.一种铝镁合金杯形件旋转挤压成形方法,专利号:ZL202010620342.9

3. 薛勇;樊洪智; 张治民; 王强; 徐健; 李旭斌; 赵熹; 李国俊; 方敏.一种薄壁杯形件的旋转拉深成形方法,专利号:ZL202010601857.4

4. 薛勇;张治民; 徐健; 王强; 赵熹; 李国俊.一种轻合金杯形件旋转挤压成形模具,专利号:ZL201710535080.4

5. 薛勇;张治民; 陈帅帅; 徐健; 王强; 赵熹.一种轻合金杯形件旋转挤压成形方法,专利号:ZL201710535111.6

6. 薛勇;吴耀金; 陈帅帅; 张治民; 李国俊; 张宝红; 任璐英. 一种镁合金高性能杯形件的差速挤压成形模具,专利号:ZL201710024673.4

7. 薛勇; 陈帅帅; 张治民; 李国俊; 王强; 白冰; 杨博文. 一种镁合金高性能杯形件的差速挤压成形方法,专利号:ZL201710024674.9

8. 薛勇;张冠世; 张治民; 杜玥; 王强; 李国俊; 孟模; 方敏; 李旭斌.一种大口径薄壁无缝管旋转挤压成形方法,专利号:ZL201710122362.1

9. 薛勇; 李国俊; 张治民; 孟模; 杨勇彪; 贾杨; 谢志平; 路光.一种大型长锥喇叭筒件的挤压成形组合模具,专利号:ZL201310548574.8.

10. 薛勇; 李国俊; 张治民; 李旭斌; 于建民; 杨勇彪; 程梅; 王强; 张宝红; 张星.一种用于高精度复杂铜合金止推轴承座挤压成形的模具,专利号:ZL201210219387.0.


1. 薛勇(4/6);镁铝大型薄壁高筋构件均匀强韧化及“长筋”挤压成形技术, 中国有色金属工业协会, 发明一等奖, 2021

2. 薛勇(4/6);镁铝大型高筋壳体低静水压力精确控制塑性成形技术,山西省发明一等奖, 2022

3. 薛勇(2/6); 伞型壳体构件温冷精密挤压成形技术, 山西省科技进步二等奖, 2017

4. 薛勇(6/6); 枝桠类构件多向主动加载控形控性技术, 山西省发明二等奖, 2015

薛勇(6/6); 高性能构件精确控制塑性成形基础理论研究, 山西省自然科学二等奖, 2009